Our News

03 Mar 2016

Helen Doron and Tatjana Petkovic announce Serbian Humanitarian Action

Master Franchisor for Serbia, Tatjana Petkovic and Helen Doron announce the humanitarian action organized by Serbia’s Helen Doron schools aimed to help people who suffered losses in massive floods in Serbia. Further they talk about learning English language the same way the children learn their mother tongue,  about learning English language in Helen Doron schools, and finally about the great results of Helen Doron students in Serbia.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6RyY-PrkG8[/embedyt]

Helen Doron Schools of English in Serbia had their 15th anniversary 01 June 1st 2014. We were very honoured to have Helen Doron herself as the most important guest of our great show. The show had two goals, to celebrate our anniversary as well as to raise funds for people who had suffered a great loss by massive floods that have occurred a few days before the show. Helen Doron herself had a great contribution to this cause.

Helen Doron was the guest in the morning programme of Serbia’s National television, together with Tatjana Petkovic, Master Franchisor for Serbia.

At the beginning of the interview the presenters gave a brief overview of Helen Doron Educational Group as a leader in the market of education.

Helen explained the reasons why the methodology is so successful as well as giving the reasons why the music is so important in learning a new language.  One of the most popular questions, of course was related to our courses for the youngest. Helen also had presented all our courses and how they were developed as well as how the order of the courses is as natural as the way we learn mother language. In addition to this the new developments had been presented, together with Helen Doron radio and mobile applications. Helen also expressed great satisfaction with the results that children in Serbia have shown by learning English with Helen Doron methodology.

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