Our News

28 Fév 2016

Helen Doron English Mersin featured on Sabah Keyfi programme

Helen Doron Ltd. offers the only international English-enriched kindergarten & English Learning Centre in Mersin, the  Turkish “Pearl of the Mediterranean ».

The city is situated on the south coast of Turkey, has over 1M inhabitants and was the host of the 2013 Mediterranean Games.

Mersin was highlighted on the popular TV programme,  Morning Joy (Sabah Keyfi). Caglar Ince, early child education expert and local owner, and Esra Naz Ozel, school psychologist, discuss the Helen Doron method and future projects in Mersin, Turkey.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_KW_ML6kW0[/embedyt]

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