Actualités récentes

Helen Doron and Tatjana Petkovic announce Serbian Humanitarian Action

Master Franchisor for Serbia, Tatjana Petkovic and Helen Doron announce the humanitarian action organized by Serbia’s Helen Doron schools aimed to help people who suffered losses in massive floods in Serbia. Further they talk about learning English language the same way the

CN Plus and FM Mundo, Ecuador interview Helen Doron

Helen Doron, Founder and CEO of Helen Doron Ltd. is interviewed with Monica Carpio, Master Franchisor, Ecuador on CN Plus and FN Mundo, radio and television about the exclusive methodology for teaching English to children ages 3 months to 19 years. [embedyt]

English for Babies: Bergamo TV interviews Master Franchisor Ron Benvenisti

Ron Benvenisti,  Helen Doron English Master Franchisor Lombardia, Italy is interviewed for Bergamo local TV to announce the opening of the Bergamo Learning Centre. Ron explains the unique Helen Doron methodology which teaches English to babies as early as 3 months old. [embedyt][/embedyt]

Helen Doron English Mersin featured on Sabah Keyfi programme

Helen Doron Ltd. offers the only international English-enriched kindergarten & English Learning Centre in Mersin, the  Turkish “Pearl of the Mediterranean ». The city is situated on the south coast of Turkey, has over 1M inhabitants and was the host of the 2013 Mediterranean Games. Mersin was highlighted on

The Most Effective Way to Learn English

Marc Philippe, Managing Director for Helen Doron Erken Yasta, Turkey describes why the Helen Doron Method  is the most effective method for teaching children how to speak English. Marc Philippe explains the key elements to this successful methodology: repeated background hearing, positive reinforcement, learning made fun, and small

Helen Doron English Germany Promotes Learning Apps

Helen Doron Germany advertises the range of apps available exclusively on Google Play and iTunes app store. Read more here: Published in Rheinkind: Ausgabe: Febraur/ Marz/ April 2016

Helen Doron English Peru: Children Learn What They Hear

When it comes to children there is an absolute truth: they learn everything they hear . Therefore, parents should be careful about what is said in front of them, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to enhance the skills and knowledge of babies. Find

Helen Doron English Romania: The Novel Story of a Successful Investment in Education

A Romanian English-language newspaper recently featured an empowering article about Master Franchisor Stefania Filip and “the secrets behind her business success in a world dominated by men, at a conference organized by the “Work At Home Moms” Association.”  Read Here

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